about 1 minute to read

Those who check this site (if anyone does) somewhat occasionally, would notice a completely new design. This is my own design that I finally got to a working state on August 28th and am now currently beta testing. This is my first self-designed drupal site (drupal is the community plumbing that powers this site) and my largest foray in using CSS for layout. I spent several weeks attempting to removing bugs that I ended up not being able find, so restarted the coding three times until, all of a sudden, it worked. So here is v1.0 beta.

To provide an rss news feed — something I had waited on doing until I got this new design working — I spent some time looking on the web for sources. I wanted both something with animal news and something more directly related to struggle against our consumer capitalist mediated world. It was through this search that I found a host of new sites that I had not come across including vegan freak, animal voices and Erik’s diner. All three of these sites have podcasts — the first two I have found quite good through my brief listens to date. The Erik’s diner episde, however, I have found something he has said that I significantly and fundamentally disagree with:

Animal-Free Meat, VegNews Awards, PETA Controversy, Poultry Blaze, Meat Institute Comedy, Chicken Super Bugs, the Boys and the Bees (August 18, 3:58 PM ET)...



musings on life, love and existing...