Over the last week there has been a mainstream uproar after alternate press and women’s groups responded to a radio interview where a young women was pushed into admitting she was raped (unbeknownst to the interviewers). Specific attention has been given to one the radio show’s hosts’ immediate response to the young women’s unexpected revelation. Whilst the radio interview, its approach and the actions of the hosts were very questionably (to say the least), media attention has focused on this as a single isolated event rather than being based in a broader problematic s…

Tae, a blue-cattle cross we adopted more than 10 years ago, was put to sleep today, after suffering a ruptured (previously undiagnosed) Hemangiosarcoma. It was the first time I was directly involved in a euthanasia decision and process. The varied emotions, thoughts, hope, catharsis of it all. The apparent peace, the warmth, the softness, the sleep-like state that resulted were all new experiences. The level of compassion of the staff at the veterinary hospital is something I could not have expected. Something almost overwhelming in itself. In the weeks prior, Tae’s vision and hearing had dete…

A number of weeks have passed since the election in Iran, and it appears much of the public comments have faded from view. As many people will be aware, there were a lot of online campaigns seeking to raise awareness of concerns with the election result and the crackdown in dissidents/those protesting the re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as President. Perhaps the largest was the HelpIranElection.com campaign: Show support for the people who fight for democracy at Iran, and change your Twitter avatar to have green overlay or green ribbon (green is the official color of the movement). I was …

After reading another comment on the murder of Dr George Tiller, I put some more thought into my reaction and reflections more generally on reproductive freedom — and also the actions of those opposed to a women’s right to choose (how they present, often non-considered, challenges to those undertaking action on social justice/environmental/animal issues). I have long supported a women’s right to choose, though still had some questions I had been unable to fully address. I think I have now come to a point where I am able to address lingering questions I had, albeit without a basis free from pot…