One of the most notorious posts on this blog was published in 2006 (when I had more time available to pen and share thoughts), and has received more than 70,000 views. The post was quite a scathing critique of Steve Best. For example: The sweeping generalisations, clear lack of knowledge, awareness and understandings of that which he authoritatively comments on, and the lack of critical reflexive awareness are very surprising. The harshness of the post was perhaps a little over-enthusiastic, and rooted in my own arrogance as much as some of what I was commenting on. Reflecting how our perspe…

The introduction of non-native species to regions and islands, and the ongoing implications of these, are a legacy of human chauvinism. Our ideological arrogance continues to shape decisions and forms of (strategic) ignorance will have long-lasting implications based on the actions we take today. Apparently we have learned, and continue to learn, little. The Australian government has funded a program seeking to address the introduction of non-native species to Macquarie Island, which is located half way between Tasmania and Antarctica (see video). The hundred thousand or more rabbits, in parti…

ome time 2007 I changed the design of this website to incorporate the sunflower image that has become the symbol of veganarky, of what it means to me. The image is of one of a small number of similar sculptures of sunflowers in Front Street, Toronto, Ontario (I have made some minor modifications to saturation and hue, and to remove any background). I have now found some words to describe part of what the image represents for me. As a starting point, the sunflower is an almost a universal symbol for and of veganism. Prior to using this image, I had made a mashup of the green anarchy (sunflower)…