One of the many things that living in ISO, and having the (Western) privlege to do so relatively comfortablty, has affored is time. Time to reflect, time (and space) to breath. To let my mind, my thoughts, meander. Meander in ways that have not been been able to for quite a time. One of the directions my thoughts have headed towards is rethinking what i want from life. I have started to digest Kim Stanley Robinson's recent piece in the New Yorker, in particular, the line 'The virus is rewriting our imaginations. What felt impossible has become thinkable.' The writings of Ursula K. Le Guin, Aru…

I have not afforded myself space to write for quite a time. The reasons are multiple. In part, life is a vague and apt — if reductionist — descriptor. A short catch-all that has its meanings for me, and different, specific and relevant, meanings for many-most of us. Life is and has been in flux. In transition. In many ways liminal. An ongoing journey with its own un/foreseen experiences... I have started to write a handful of times or so, seeking to peer through uncertainties, challenges. Seeking direction. Many thoughts were rendered, left incomplete. Not quite there. Requiring more reflectio…

Th Australian Federal Police (AFP) raids on the Sydney headquarters of the Australia Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) on 5 June 2019 — one day after a seperate raid on a Journalists home — have provided a writ large context for questions about press freedom and the role of the State. These raids coincidentally took place when the Conservative Prime Minister was out of the country (in England with USA President Trump and others on the 75th anniversary of D‑Day) — making it easier for him to avoid media and public scrutiny. The ABC has faced relentless pressure by the…

I recently watched an episode of a TV series For the People, which is described as 'set in the Southern District of New York Federal Court.' It seeks to provide a more progressive representation of attitudes in the USA, in the context of the 'Southern District of New York Federal Court'. The main characters are defense and prosecution lawyers, with the context being a different case or cases in each episode and how they respond to these. Episode 2 from season 2, titled This is America, aired in March 14, 2019.1. It deals with the tactics, approaches and actions of Immigration and Customs Enfor…