I have been involved in discussions on the Vegan Freak forums with a number of people about the links between speciesism and capitalism, and have had a number of sticky questions raised that I have dwelt on for tangible examples for some time. Whilst testing by bike trailer set-up along the waterfront trail in the city I am currently in, I crossed paths with several people enjoying being outside, the ambiance of the waterside and being (at least partly) away from the machinations if industrial capital/urban sprawl and the relations of capital more broadly Some of these people were walking with…

The issue of the national flag in Australia is something that receives sporadic media attention. I have certain perspectives on it, and I have given it some thought recently after hearing on an Australian (non-mainstream) current-affairs style podcast talk of a rise in the number of people having the southern cross (crux australis) tattooed somewhere on their body. Currently travelling/researching in Canada, I have again pondered the situation here – specifically that there is no union jack on the flag and the status afforded First Nations, Metis, Inuit and other peoples here before European’s…

I recently commented on what amounts to the first governmental critique of uranium mining for many many years in Australia – unclear as to whether it was refreshing electoral politico-speak or merely advantageous posturing?. That such critical (if not going far enough) comments were both in the mainstream press and emanated from a font-bench minister are big issues in themself. It was refreshing to hear a hint of such talk as a contrast with the uber-conservative shite that has dominated in Australia for far too long. That it appeared that the Labor Party (ALP) might actually have a spine and …

It is widely repeated that change emanates from the margins. I agree with this and see this as the basis for social change. There are instances where the hypocrisy of capital can force change on itself not from the margins, but from what is effectively it’s centre – its bread and (earth balance) margarine… One such instance is making the conservative government in Australia squirm, and the PM can (seemingly) no longer just rely on his (until recently) stupendous spin machine to get him by. The (hopefully) nail in the coffin is the death in Iraq of the first Australian soldier – Jacob Kovco. Wa…