Even though I am on the other side of the planet I try to keep abreast of what transpires back home. The impacts of the draconian industrial relations legislation the conservative governmment has imposed on everyone, and the hoped‐for demise of said conservative fucks (I toned done what I really think) are two of the multitude issues I am interested in. Today, however, in reference to the 20th Anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster, provided something I had not expected – it is something I am very happy to see yet I my cynicism leaves me critically questioning…

Below are words written by someone whom i respect – on a number of levels. It covers a topic i have wanted to put some words together about for some time and is reproduced here in the interest of promoting critical discussion and reflection… i hope you enjoy, are challenged by it, and give it due consideration (thanks vf). a|v Veganfreak | the odd logic of welfarism If a man abuses his wife, do we ask him to stop, or do we throw our hands up in exasperation, saying that if he’s going to do it, he should at least not hit so damn hard? Similarly, if a person is going to eat meat, do we ask him …

I watched my first film at the movies in some time the other day – a mainstream film to boot. It was Inside man directed by Spike Lee. Not being a film guru, rather looking for the means through which to pose questions/contrast things in society without overtly doing so (as a number of my blogs relate to), I found two events in this film to be very well done. I came across the trailer for this film whilst putting together a list of mainstream films for students to watch and write a commentary on about the presence of unmarked structural violence in society. It seemed to be focussed on making y…

The writings or, or reference to them, of Michel Foucault have occupied much of my mental space for several months now. I increasingly have tried to grapple with a shift in perceptions and understandings of power relations from a Marxist towards a less monolithic (a view I always held even when benefiting from the teachings of/discussions with dogmatic Marxists) view encompassing agency and structuralist underpinnings. This shift towards such a perspective, and away from a prescriptive Marxist model of revolution has been – and still continues to be quite challenging. The opportunity to rub sh…