One of the many things that living in ISO, and having the (Western) privlege to do so relatively comfortablty, has affored is time. Time to reflect, time (and space) to breath. To let my mind, my thoughts, meander. Meander in ways that have not been been able to for quite a time. One of the directions my thoughts have headed towards is rethinking what i want from life. I have started to digest Kim Stanley Robinson's recent piece in the New Yorker, in particular, the line 'The virus is rewriting our imaginations. What felt impossible has become thinkable.' The writings of Ursula K. Le Guin, Aru…

I have not afforded myself space to write for quite a time. The reasons are multiple. In part, life is a vague and apt — if reductionist — descriptor. A short catch-all that has its meanings for me, and different, specific and relevant, meanings for many-most of us. Life is and has been in flux. In transition. In many ways liminal. An ongoing journey with its own un/foreseen experiences... I have started to write a handful of times or so, seeking to peer through uncertainties, challenges. Seeking direction. Many thoughts were rendered, left incomplete. Not quite there. Requiring more reflectio…

I was recently prompted to reflect on my interest in animal question. This led a to a revisiting of my narrative, the why behind my interest. The why behind two decades of social justice activism, and my parallel intellectual-academic interest going back more than a decade. A little over 10 years ago I was interviewed by Lauren Corman, on Animal Voices in Toronto, for a program about vegan blogging. I thought that listening to what I had said back in 2006 — beyond providing a refresher into my motivations — might provide some interesting insights and potential contrasts to my current perspecti…

Over recent months I have reflected on the musings penned and shared here, the significant periods without words, and how life has intersected. These periods have reasons, and before I ponder these it is the content and approach‐style of what I have shared—and how these have transformed over time—over the last ten years which have prompted some thoughts. Contrasting with a prescribed aim of my space here — reflecting on intersecting oppressions, life experiences and thoughts on appropriate‐effective responses — I have noted in the collection of musings an array of cont…